However, unlike last year, Chestnut needed overtime to pick up the win. Tied at 59 snausages as the ten minute clock wound down to zero, Chesnut was able to beat Kobayashi in a race to consume five more links thus earning the victory.
In previous years, Kobayashi's repitilian technique overwhelmed fat Americans who thought that just because they are fat, they can eat 50-some hot dogs. Long story short, Kobyashi's skill and dedication single handedly pushed the "sport" of competitive eating into the spotlight. Last year an injury to Kobayashi made him the underdog. It was a blessing in disguise as it provided an opportunity for Chestnut to showcase his talents.
The good news is that the Japanese eating machine has recovered and has expressed his desire to stave off retirement and continue his career of mass consumption. Coach Ryan believes that Kobayashi and Chestnut are to competitive eating what Larry Bird and Magic Johnson were to the NBA. Let's hope that the thrill of getting a shitty trophy from a shitty hotdog maker drives these two men to continue to innovate new ways of stretching the human stomach.
Anyone want to know what kind of night Chesnut's in for after eating 64 hot dogs in 11 minutes? Some call it the John Denver experience.
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