Dre Bly, Deuce McCallister, Fred Taylor and now Marvin Harrison. The Colts have released arguably the second best receiver of all time according to Adam Schefter.
That's probably not a good thing. The world learned good and well what happens when you fuck with Marvin- you get mowed down in the parking lot. Marvin Harrison ain't no bitch, don't let the mustache and nice guy look fool you. Cross Marvin and you will get gatted up.
So to Colts GM Bill Polian and Harrison's replacement, Anthony Gonzalez, watch your back fellas. That weird feeling that someone's watching you, that's Marvin in the parking lot. And he's keeping a close watch. Be scurred because Marvin doesn't yield his piece like a little bitch. This is thug life!
It's been two very long years for Michael Vick, but it appears that the quarterback's comeback is in the first stages. The Atlanta Falcons, looking to make the biggest mistake ever, are trying to trade Vick according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Coach Ryan is an unapologetic Vick supporter, but has some slight concerns. Let's be real here, there are probably only a handful of teams that could acquire Vick and actually play him.
The Redskins, Raiders and Cowboys all have owners who don't give a fuck about their team's image, and always have a knack for raw talent. It would suck to see him where any of those uniforms. However, all three teams have big money invested at the QB position. Although Aaron Campbell's contract with Washington is nearing its end.
Coach Ryan knows of a little squad in Michigan that needs a quarterback- let's get that shit done, son. Of course, bringing in an inmate to the locker may pose some problems. Who knows what kind of mindset Coach Ryan's boy is coming out with. People will just have to adjust to some things.
And so the Kellen Clemens Era begins in New York. King Douche is calling it quits according to ever media outlet in the country, althought Ed Werder appears to have learned first. It remains unclear if Jason Witten was the intial source.
Chris Mortensen took Werders new and "broke" it on Mike and Mike in the Morning after Greeney updated everyone on the call letters, time and weather.
As far as Favre goes, good thing you came back. Coach Ryan isn't sure what exactly that last year was all about, between not talking to any of your teammates, and single handedly eliminating you team from the playoffs down the stretch, especially in the last game of the year against the Dolphins. Somehow Favre thought that his lasting legacy would be throwing a pick against the Giants in OT of the NFC Championship. Coach Ryan was pretty sure people would forget that and remember that the Packers were garbage the two years before that and Favre ressurrected them.
But some how this seems more fitting for a pill popping booze hound like Favre. Unretiring, alienating himself from his favorite team, and captaining one of the best collapses in this decade is the kind of whimper you can really hang you hat on.
Hey Ladainian, what's happening. Remember two years ago when we promised to pay you a fuck ton of money? Yea, well we're going to have take some of it back. You see, we've run into some money troubles and we're going to need you to kick back to help us out. Thanks.
Oh, also, if you could go ahead and give us back all of that signing bonus that'd be great. No joke. San Diego is heading back to the bargaining table with LT according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. Just a simple glitch in the pay roll. A.J. Smith has got this. He's just going to fix the glitch.
After what we'll call a season long hiatus, Coach Ryan is ready to post again. Coach Ryan is hoping this will be a simple transition- tuck your sack back, maybe slap some rouge on ya. Ya game?